Investment solutions

+44(0)20 7290 6694
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00

Freed from the fund models and the latest marketing trends of the industry, we can advise in full transparency on opportunistic strategies and unveil attractive opportunities.

Private Debt - Specialized Lending

We have developed a significant track record in real estate senior debt investments, backed by prime real estate assets and projects.

This market takes advantage of a significant funding gap across the capital structure as traditional lenders are absent from certain segments of financings such as bridge loans and development loans.

This strategy offers very attractive risk-adjusted investment returns, with liquidity ranging from 9 to 24 months. The risk profile remains conservative as the loans are backed by first rank securities on the underlying assets.

Highly selective sourcing is made across the UK, US and Europe through direct approach and a strong broker network.

Alternative solutions

In a world of low interest rate, and increased uncertainties, the search for alternative capital solutions to generate higher return without compromising the risk allocation is becoming a crucial component of any long-term investment portfolio.

We have developed an extensive network of expertise in a large range of alternative assets such as hedge funds, direct lending funds, structured debt, regulatory capital, collateralized loan obligation tranches, and specific listed or unlisted corporate debt opportunities.

We constantly monitor these specific asset classes, screen for the best opportunities, and advise on investments and specific structuration as a way to diversify a portfolio and provide attractive risk adjusted returns.

Private Equity

We mainly focus in the small and mid-cap markets, with equity tickets between 3 et 20 M€ in businesses seeking partnership investment for growth initiatives or transition. We can always secure further funding from like-minded and trustworthy investing partners.

We seek to address opportunities across all sectors, with a particular interest in Healthcare, BtoB services, Industrials and Food. We look for robust market positions and strong cash flow generation.

With our evergreen long term model, we aim at implementing a genuine partnership with the management, with a focus on finding new pathways to growth. We usually seek board representation and try to appoint sector experts or former entrepreneurs to support the executive and to bring direct operational experience.

Key investments


We have a natural appetite for new technologies and disruptive models and enjoy meeting up with entrepreneurs to discuss their projects.

We thrive to monitor latest market trends in our investment sectors and aim to expand our network of talented management executive teams.

We are looking for :

  1. founders with distinctive insights and ambitious long term vision,
  2. a clear large initial market with the ability to expand into adjacent spaces,
  3. compelling and innovative value proposition with a route to scale.

Commitment to a single investment varies from 250 k€ to 1 M€, mostly at early stage (serie A).

Key investments